quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2015

What You See Is What You Get

Encontrei o trecho abaixo no seguinte artigo:

"A visiting Citibank executive looked at a demo and quoted a signature line of comedian Flip Wilson’s sassy character Geraldine: “What you see is what you get!” The name (reduced to the acronym Wysiwyg and pronounced wizzy­wig ) stuck. Suddenly, Bravo had users [...]"

Veja a Geraldine de Flip Wilson dizendo a tal frase:

quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2015

We Have Metrics. Now What?

Peguei o trecho a seguir de um artigo na information-management.com (recebi o link por email, talvez tenha que se inscrever pra ler):

It is one thing to gain tacit agreement from an operationally driven leader of a functional or business silo that improving customer perceptions of their experience will drive loyalty, which, they will agree, can drive revenue.  It’s quite another thing to win investment approval and for leaders to “sign up for the revenue” that raising CX performance will generate.